Charity WordPress template has many stunning demos apart from brand section, product section and Instagram feed. It is good for non-profit organization and charity event website and has customizable homepage. It also has layout configuration and the choice for colour scheme alternation. It is a respectable online platform for NGO website or a crowd funding organization. It is compatible with contact form 7 and has more than 100 font family options. It is a versatile WP template and is sanitised as per the standards of WordPress. WordPress template charity carries all-around page canvas and you can easily put this to play. It has global colour option and is SEO friendly as well making it go high on the search engine ranking. With the responsive design, it is adjustable on the screens of various shapes and sizes.
- Theme options using customizer API
- Responsive design
- Site Icon and Logo option
- Header Images option
- Favicon, Logo, title and tagline customization
- Advanced Color options and color pallets
- 100+ Font Family Options
- Pagination option
- Demo Importer
- Enable-Disable options on All sections
- Main Slider
- Woocommerce Campatible
- Unlimited Slides
- Section to show gallery
- Product Listing based on category
- Top Catrgories Section
- Coaching Events Section
- Testimonial with custom posttype
- Teacher Section
- Shortcodes for Testimonials
- Newsletter with the help of contact form 7.
- Well sanitized as per WordPress standards.
- Responsive layout for all devices
- Typography for the complete website
- Global Color pallete
- Section specific Color pallete
- Fully integrated with Font Awesome Icon
- Instagram Section
- Partner Listing
- Background Image Option
- Custom page templates
- Allow to set site title, tagline, logo
- Left and Right Sidebar
- Sticky post & Comment threads
- Customizable Home Page
- Multiple inner page templates
- Contact Page Template
- Blog Full width and right and left sidebar
- Recent post widget with images, Related post